gluten free || baked not fried — made with intention
happy you’re here :)
below is a list of our partnering businesses stocked weekly:

crimson cup coffee (upper arlington)
crimson cup (lane avenue)
rolls by the pound (newark + hanover)
Tuscarawas / holmes county area + others:

our story:
I grew up almost exclusively eating pixy stix, reese cups, anything my aunt baked (shoutout to her peanut butter bars) and no joke, tubes of straight up icing (ask my parents) and then I fell in love with everything health and fitness
I wanted to nourish my body well, to feel clear and energetic while also enjoying sweets
I started making healthier versions of pancakes, waffles, cheesecake, and anything else I was craving, then one day I made a healthier version of a donut
at the time, I was a personal trainer and started bringing them in as a treat for everyone after my fitness classes or to celebrate someone's birthday, engagement, etc
then one day when I was driving, I intentionally decided not to turn on music or a podcast - I let there just be space and silence. it was 'national donut day' and the thought came in “why don’t you post and sell your donuts today?”
one thought & one instagram post later, I was selling donuts because well… why not? lol but I didn't think it would become an actual business, the intention was very playful
it grew quickly & organically with minimal "marketing" (aka a tiny email list + instagram/facebook) accompanied by alot of messy action and figuring things out as we went
as things grew, my mom (like the angel she is) jumped in to help me bake since I was still personal training full time and now had a side hustle I didn’t plan on having
our weekly pickup location for donut orders was various different parking lots for about a year (lol) where we literally sold them out of the back of our cars
and now we are here - with a full time donut business and I get to have the unique experience of building a business with my mom which is so special
whatever this turns into our intention is very simple - to be good to people and to bring ourselves to spaces of silence often so we can hear the voice telling us where to go next
"we are all just walking each other home" -rumi